We de-pollute, destroy and recycle scrap vehicles at our regulated Authorised Treatment Facility, helping to reduce carbon emissions and protect the planet. Vehicles in better condition may be dismantled for recycled parts or re-sold at auction for repair and re-use.
Silverlake Automotive Recycling have pioneered the development, performance and professionalism of vehicle recycling for over 65 years.
Through the full service Silverlake Parts business, including our online store, and upickit low
cost self-service autoparts: we reintroduce these parts for reuse wherever possible and we continue
to invest in new recycling methods to make sure we remain at the forefront of vehicle recycling.
In accordance with EU legislation.
The Silverlake group businesses are mindful of the complex environmental and crucial issues that impact modern industry and wider society such as finite natural resources, climate change, waste generation, and local amenity and will constantly strive to achieve higher standards in all aspects of its business.
Download our Environmental PolicyAn integrated approach for the disposal of salvage to some of the UK's largest insurers since 2001.
We work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.
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The largest scrap car recycling network in the UK. Take the hassle out of selling cars by finding the best scrap car prices
British Vehicle Salvage Federation, the trade association for members representing 90% of all the UK vehicle salvage disposal